Bos Boogie Music Festival has been around for a few years, but there’s probably a lot that you don’t know about it. Today my aim is to change that.
This festival holds a special place in my heart and it is definitely one of my favourite Boutique Festivals in South Africa.
Here are 11 Interesting Facts You Might Not Know About Bos Boogie Music Festival
1. Bos Boogie Music Festival was first held in 2021. The first edition was not attended by many people though.
2, Two editions of the music festival were held in 2022: In March and in September.
3. The festival is held on a plot at 131 Rif Road, near Roodeplaat Dam (on the outskirts of Pretoria).
4, The March 2022 edition of the festival featured performances by Albert Frost, Albert Meintjies, Andra, The Fake Leather Blues Band, The Jack Hammer Band, Jack Parow, Kenny Hughes, Ruiter Piet, Swerwer, Zebra, The Black Cat Bones and Saarkie.
5. The September 2022 edition of Bos Boogie Music Festival featured performances by Bachus Nel, Koos Kombuis, Die Horries, Zadelhoff, Amafranx, Westcoast Wolves, Levinia, Fourth Son South, Wonderboom, Borderline Birdies, Tim Parr, Shotgun Tori, Dan Patlansky and others.
6. It’s a tiny festival. Less than 500 people attended the 2022 editions of Bos Boogie.
7. The 2023 edition of Bos Boogie will take place from the 25th to the 27th of August 2023.
8. The line-up for the 2023 edition featured performances by Radio Kalahari Orkes, 2 to 12, Hollowbody, Cutting Jade, Pedro Barbosa, Happy Jack, Mony Pony, Fourth Son South, West Coast Wolves, Sara Jade, Hoot ‘n Anny, Swerwer, DJ Steve vs DJ Steve, Meel Vignetting, Amafranx, Baas De Beer, Walking Down Essex, The Fake Leather Blues Band, Oceans of Angels, The Black Cat Bones, The Honeymooners, Jahworx, Zionruts, Jonathan Peyper, Black Heidi, Gideon Wind and Kat & Wolf (Chris Chameleon).
9. The 2023 edition of the festival was organized by Woodcrock Productions & Bullseye Events. The festival was sponsored by Burger Bistro, Urban Safari and Red Bull.
10. The 2024 edition of Bos Boogie was held from the 22nd to the 24th of March and featured Valiant Swart as one of the headlining acts.
11. The 2024 edition also featured performances The Russian Dolls, The Martin Myburg Experience, Casper de Vries, Johnathan Martin, Bacchus Nel, Hollowbody, Highway Apostles, Blackwater, Gideon Wind, L.A. Cobra, DJ’s G & T!, Saarkie, The Martin Bester Band, The Basson Laubscher Band, Van Kose and Crash and the Void.
Well, there you have it, 11 Interestings facts you might not have known about Bos Boogie Music Festival. If I’ve left out something important, feel free to comment below.
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