If you’ve ever watch a The Inspector Cluzo show, you will experience an orgy of no-nonsense, in-your-face rock ‘n roll. These okes played in South Africa for at RAMFest in 2013 and Oppikoppi 2014 and completely blew away everyone who saw their sets.
Because I’ve seen these blokes live twice and I was really impressed with what I saw and heard, I’ve decided to write a post about them.
Here are 10 Interesting Facts You Might Not Know about The Inspector Cluzo
1. The Inspector Cluzo were formed in 2008 in Mont-de-Marsan, France.
2. The band’s two members are Laurent Lacrouts (Malcolm) and Matthew Jordan (Phil).
3. To date The Inspector Cluzo have released 10 albums and 2 EPs.
4. The Inspector Cluzo have gained a reputation for their explosive and energetic live shows. They play shows without featuring any additional pre-recorded or electronic components for songs.
5. The band ardently defend their independence by doing everything themselves. They manage their own label (Fuckthebassplayer records), do their own bookings, manage themselves and record / edit their own music.
6. Their music can be defined as a mix of rock and funk (which might suggest a meeting between Rage Against the Machine, The Jackson 5, AC/DC and Curtis Mayfield.
7. You can actually buy an Inspector Cluzo t-shirts that read “Fuck The Bass Player” and “Fuck Michael Jackson” (pity I didn’t buy one at Oppikoppi when I was there in 2014).
8. Between 2008 and 2013 The Inspector Cluzo played 600 shows in more than 35 countries.
9. The band name is inspired by Chief Inspector Jacques Clouseau from the Pink Panther movies.
10. At least one of The Inspector Cluzo‘s albums was recorded in full analog on their old MCI mixing desk on their farm in France.
Well, there you have it, 10 facts about The Inspector Cluzo some of you might not have known.
This is a video that the band published, featuring scenes from their set at Oppikoppi Odyssey in 2014:
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